Aria Technical Indonesia

Elevator Fabrication, Service & Panel Control Specialist

Machine Roomless

Machine Roomless Elevator adalah salah satu jenis elevator kami yang memiliki kelebihan dimana elevator ini tidak memperlukan ruang mesin di atas, sehingga lebih menghemat ruangan dan dapat memberikan solusi kepada konsumen yang memiliki ruangan yang terbatas. Machine Roomless Elevator adalah elevator yang memiliki kecepatan lebih tinggi di banding dengan passenger elevator pada umumnya, sehingga cocok untuk bangunan yang tinggi. Machine Roomless Elevator yang kami tawarkan terdapat beberapa kategori standar yang dibedakan berdasarkan dari jumlah lantai dan kecepatan yang diinginkan oleh konsumen. Machine Roomless Elevator kami juga memiliki keunggulan, dimana disamping dari ukuran standar yang telah kami berikan, Machine Roomless kami dapat menyesuaikan ukuran ruangan yang ada, dimana untuk ukuran-ukuran diluar standar dapat dikonsultasikan terlebih dahulu kepada bagian teknis kami.
Terdapat beberapa fitur standar yang ada pada Machine Roomless kami, dimana fitur-fitur standar tersebut sudah memiliki tingkat safety yang cukup tinggi untuk pengoperasiannya. Fitur-fitur tersebut antara lain:





When the alarm/emergency signal button inside the car is pressed, the elevator telephone automatically establishes a connection with the alarm centre or a pre-programmed alarm recipient. At the same time, the position of the emergency call device is communicated

Emergency Car Lighting

Car lighting that turns on automatically upon power failure to illuminate the inside of a car using a battery for Emergency Car Lighting.

Out of Service switch in Car

The Elevator can be use manual for maintenance

Top of Car Inspection Unit

Allows technicians and inspectors to safely ride on top of the lift by giving them total control of the lift. The lift can be driven independently at slow speed to allow inspection and service

Automatic Parking

When service of elevator is stopped, any floor can be selected to park elevator (main floor and upper floor). This allowing more efficient service to future hall calls

Emergency Exit Ladder

When trapped inside the elevator, passenger can going to emergency exit in the top of ceiling immediately using ladder inside the car

Car Light and Fan automatic shut off

Elevator can be installed an energy saving features with automatically switch off the internal lighting and exhaust fan when calls are registers after predetermined period of time


Stainless Steel




Automatic Rescue Devices (ARD)

During the normal power failure, the ARD converts stores energy from it bank of rechargeable batteries to the nearest floor and open the door to let passenger out

Fireman Emergency Operation

Fire Emergency Operations that is started in case of fire Operation Switch located in a hall. After the car has arrived at the Return Floor, the car can be used exclusively for firefighting and rescue operations

Car Arrival Chime

A chime to indicate that a car will soon arrive to inform waiting passengers at each floor

Optical Doors Safety Device

A safety device to prevent passengers from being caught by the doors, using infrared that detect passengers around the car entrance. The doors reverse and open if a passenger or baggage in a hall is detected during door closing

Car Call Canceling

A function where Car Calls that have been made for bypassed floors and are still effective when the car arrives at the last floor are regarded as mistakes and collectively cancelled

Operating by Emergency Power (Source – Automatic)

Emergency Operation where elevators are operated with an emergency power source during power failure using the building generator. When the elevators car arrives at the specified floor, the door will open to allow passenger out and then elevator will shut down

Non-Service to specific Floors

A switch located in the Service Cabinet of the Car Operating Panel, with which Non-Service to Specific Floors can be set for any desired floors. This function is automatically deactivated during Emergency Operations

Duplex Control

Two elevators receive external calling signal at the same time, and unified management is carried out by system to raise operation efficiency of elevator.

Elevator Group Control System

The control systems that manage systematically three or more elevators in order to efficiently transport the passengers’ artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic. Most of the EGCS’s have used the hall call assignment method to assign elevators in response to passenger’s calls

Control Function of ID Card

For special requirement, the ID card can be used to identify the status of passenger, and also, it can be used for timing charge

Hall Lantern

Hall Lantern on each floor will flash to indicated elevator car arrival and service direction to passengers waiting at the elevator lobby

Door Nudging Feature

A function where doors close automatically along with a warning voice and a sound when the doors have been kept from closing for a certain length of time

Door Hold Open Feature

Opens the door, reverses the door, and keeps the door open for a specified adjustable door hold time

Supervisory Panel

This is a monitoring panel located in the security room that displays the status of all the elevators operating in the building including flooring location, travelling direction, in/out of service etc.




Contact Us :

Office :

1. Apt.Palladian Park, Jl. Bukit Gading Raya Kav 1 Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara – 14240
2. Jl. Puri Anjasmoro O 1/2, Semarang, Jawa Tengah - 50144
3. Melayani Pemesanan lift Wilayah Bandung
4. Melayani Pemesanan lift Wilayah Bali
5. Melayani Pemesanan Lift Wilayah Surabaya

Mobile/Whatsapp :

1. +62 8122 5298 865

2. +62 87832113933

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